ESH membership has increased over the years and the ESH Council has created a network of  activities including congresses, endorsed congresses and related meetings, educational activities including Summer Schools and Advanced Courses to enable closer collaboration with the National Hypertension Societies.

The relationship between ESH and the National Hypertension Societies has thus, in duel interest, developed positively over the years and members of the National Societies are encouraged to participate in ESH activities. The activities may expand further and some of the relationships may become more formalized.

This working document summarizes some of the possibilities that exist regarding further strengthening of the relationships.

Current Activities

  1. The Annual ESH Meeting
    The Presidents of the National Hypertension Societies are invited to participate in the Presidents Meetings held during the ESH Annual Scientific Meeting, organised by the ESH officer at large and chaired by the ESH President. The nature of these meetings is the exchange of information, no formal decisions are made.
  2. ESH Annual Summer Schools
    The National Hypertension Societies are invited to nominate participants (1-2 per country). Accommodation costs are covered by the ESH. Other costs related to organising these educational activities are covered by ESH.
  3. ESH Specialist Program
    ESH Hypertension Specialists (>1000) are approved following nomination by the National Hypertension Societies.
  4. ESH Traveling Faculty
    Activities are coordinated by the National Hypertension Societies.

Strengthening Relationships

Contact persons
National Hypertension Societies are encouraged to select representatives who will be responsible for the contacts with the ESH Scientific Council during the next 4 years (2018-2022).

Formalizing the forum for National Hypertension Societies
Re. item 1) above, the annual meeting of the Presidents of the National Hypertension Societies may be expanded and formalized. Existing National Societies may become members or partners, and the annual meeting during the ESH Congress is given the mandate (from the ESH Council) to discuss certain issues and make formal decisions. New National Hypertension Societies must be approved by this body or by the ESH Council to become new members of this ESH Forum.

Participation in ESH meetings
i) During the Annual Meeting one or two sessions can be organised by Presidents of National Hypertension Societies on themes of special interest to national societies (e.g., organisation of hypertension Centers-of-Excellence, health processing systems in relation to diagnosis and treatment of hypertension, blood pressure control rates, etc.)
ii) Invite Presidents of National Hypertension Societies officially to act as chairpersons; invite them to stay at the meeting headquarters and invite them to participate in the Presidential Dinner.
iii) Give the Presidents or representatives of the National Hypertension Societies a special colored badge during the Annual Meeting; cover the costs of their stay during the meeting.

Participation in other ESH activities
Invite a number of Presidents or representatives of National Hypertension Societies to participate in the yearly ESH Advanced Course. Half of the Presidents or representatives could be invited in even years; the other half in odd years.