ESH Working Group on Environment in Hypertension
The influence of the environment on cardiovascular diseases, in particular on hypertension, is of great and progressively growing scientific interest. Despite the availability of original publications and reviews, there is still a wide area for further research, popularisation, dissemination and standardisation of knowledge on this topic.
The Working Group activities will focus on the following tasks:
- Preparation of position papers on the importance of the four main physical types of environmental pollution (air, water/soil, noise, and light) in hypertension.
- Establishing cooperation with the European Environment Agency in their projects.
- Initiation of multicenter scientific studies (also within ESH Excellence Centres) on the role of environmental factors in the development and progression of hypertension.
- Dissemination of knowledge on the harmful effects of environmental factors by organizing the WG Annual Scientific Meeting and sessions during ESH Meetings.
- Creation of a research platform within the ESH to build a consortium to apply for grants in the field of environmental health effects.
For further information and for WG applications, please contact:
WG Chair Prof. Marek Rajzer or
WG Secretary Prof. Wiktoria Wojciechowska